Friday, December 27, 2013

Writing AVR assembler code with the Arduino IDE

Although I have written a lot of code in high-level languages like C++, I enjoy writing assember the most.  For inserting assembler code into Arduino sketches, you can read a gcc inline assembly guide.  If you have some assembly code and want to use it, there is an easier way than converting it to inline assembly; you can make it a library.

The Arduino Serial class consumes a lot of resources, and even the tiny cores serial class (TinyDebugSerial) adds overhead to the half duplex software UART code it seems to be based on.  I decided to integrate my implementation of AVR305 with an Arduino sketch.

I started by making a directory called BasicSerial in the libraries directory.  Inside I created a BasicSerial.S file for my assember code.  In order for assembler code to be callable from C++, it is necessary to follow the avr-gcc register layout and calling convention, and mark the function name global.  The TxByte function takes a single char as an argument, which gcc will put in r24.  The Arduino core uses interrupts which would interfere with the software UART timing, so interrupts are disabled at the start of TxByte and re-enabled at the end.  Here's the code:
#include <avr/io.h>
; correct for avr/io.h 0x20 port offset for io instructions
#define UART_Port (PORTB-0x20)
#define UART_Tx 0

#define bitcnt r18
#define delayArg 19

#if F_CPU == 8000000L
  #warning Using 8Mhz CPU timing 
  #define TXDELAY 21
#elif F_CPU == 16000000L
  #warning Using 16Mhz CPU timing 
  #define TXDELAY 44 
  #error unrecognized F_CPU value

.global TxByte
; transmit byte in r24 - 15 instructions
; calling code must set Tx line to idle state (high) or 1st byte may be lost
; i.e. PORTB |= (1<<UART_Tx)
        sbi UART_Port-1, UART_Tx              ; set Tx line to output
        ldi bitcnt, 10                              ; 1 start + 8 bit + 1 stop
        com r24                                    ; invert and set carry
        ; 10 cycle loop + delay
        brcc tx1
        cbi UART_Port, UART_Tx                  ; transmit a 0
        brcs TxDone
        sbi UART_Port, UART_Tx                  ; transmit a 1
        ldi delayArg, TXDELAY
; delay (3 cycle * delayArg) -1
        dec delayArg
        brne TxDelay
        lsr r24
        dec bitcnt
        brne TxLoop
reti ; return and enable interrupts

The last thing to do is to create a header file called BasicSerial.h:
extern "C" {
void TxByte(char);
If the extern "C" is left out, C++ name mangling will cause a mismatch.  To use the code in the sketch, just include BasicSerial.h, and call TxByte as if it were a C function.  Here's a sample sketch:
#include <BasicSerial.h>

// sketch to test Serial

// change LEDPIN based on your schematic
#define LEDPIN  PINB1

void setup(){
  DDRB |= (1<<LEDPIN);    // set LED pin to output mode

void serOut(const char* str)
   while (*str) TxByte (*str++);

void loop(){
  serOut("Turning on LED\n");
  PORTB |= (1<<LEDPIN);  // turn on LED
  delay(500);            // 0.5 second delay
  PORTB &= ~(1<<LEDPIN); // turn off LED
  delay(1000);           // 1 second delay

Download and run the sketch, open the Serial Monitor at 115,200bps, an you should see this:

I've posted containing BasicSerial.S and BasicSerial.h.  Have fun!

New year's update:

I've modified the code so the delay timing is calculated by a macro in BasicSerial.h.  Just modify the line:
#define BAUD_RATE 115200


  1. Hi Ralph!
    "calling code must set Tx line to idle state (high) or 1st byte may be lost"

    When must be set tx, before or after the call? I´m trying to interrupt drive your rx code without success so far.

    great work! thanks!

  2. Set Tx high (or enable pullup) before the call to TxByte. You probably won't have to do it though - the USB-TTL adapter I've tested with doesn't require Tx to be driven high - it only requires it to be pulled low.

  3. Hello!
    Got it working interrupt driven by pin change int, a fifo buffer and a single pin on tiny85. Just adjusted a bit the receive delays due interrupt latency. Here is my code in case of someone interest:
    sbi UART_Port, UART_Rx ;rx pullup high
    sbi UART_Ddr, UART_Rx ;tx/rx = out
    in r24, GIMSK ;enable pin change int
    ori r24, (1 << PCIE)
    out GIMSK, r24
    sbi PCMSK, PCINT3

    push r24
    in r24, SREG
    push r24
    in r24, PINB
    sbrc r24, UART_Rx ;act on high to low transitions only
    rjmp PCINT0_vect_exit

    ldi r24, ASM_RXDELAY_15
    ldi r22, ASM_RXDELAY_1

    rcall RxTimedByte

    sts rx_byte, r24 ;new byte

    rcall rx_fifo_store ;store new byte in fifo

    pop r24
    out SREG, r24
    pop r24

    Many thanks Ralph!

  4. Just noticed your comments in the "awaiting moderation" list. I adjusted the moderation settings so that shouldn't happen again. Good work getting it working with interrupts. With the interrupt trigger, RxTimedByte won't need to check for the start bit - maybe you already removed that.
    I didn't pull up the datasheet, but I think you can set the interrupt to be active low only, that way you won't need the check for high to low transition (which should only ever happen inside the interrupt, and therefore you should never see it anyway).

  5. I get an error with avr-gcc saying that "-assembler-with-cpp" is an unrecognized option. Which version of Arduino/avr-gcc are you using?

    1. I've tested it with 1.0.4, 1.0.5-r2, and the 1.5 beta (nightly build).

    2. Turns out it was a Ubuntu issue, their version of 1.0.5 is not the same as the released version.

  6. I generally avoid file upload sites; they usually have annoying pop-ups, and some have been known to wrap files in an installer that contains malware.
    Since writing this post, I've updated my soft uart, and pushed it to my github account:

    You might consider publishing your code on github or bitbucket so it is more accessible.

  7. Hello Ralph,
    Two questions,
    (1) in the code above, how do you calculate the TXDELAY? At F_CPU=8MHZ and baud 115200, it would need (8x 10^6 / 115200) clock cycles to shift one symbol, i.e. 69 CLK cycles. How do you calculate TXDELAY=44?

    (2) in the new code, version 2 updated here, How does the assembly routine get the TXDELAY calculated via macro in header file?
    I see this in comment " transmit byte in r24 with bit delay in r22 - 15 instructions"
    It would help people not familiar with assembly and assembly-c interface.

    Many Thanks

    1. The txdelay is 21 for 8Mhz and 44 for 16Mhz. See the #if F_CPU ... lines. The delay loop is 3 cycles, so the delay is 3x tx delay (see code comments)

      In V2, the txdelay is passed to the txbyte function along with the character to output.

  8. Hi, I use ATTiny85 with your soft. I try to change le Tx pin but it's alway pin 5 (on IC) == pin PB0 on tiny85. I change #define UART_Tx 0 with #define UART_Tx 3 , but I have no change in test.
    How change it ?

    1. Changing UART_Tx should do the trick. The way the Arduino IDE does dependencies is a bit quirky so maybe it's not recompiling the .S file when you make the change. I do most of my programming from the command line using makefiles, so I don't know how to force a compile of all files in the IDE. Another option would be to find the temporary .o files and delete them.

  9. hi, i'm using your method but i get "aaa aaa aaa" on the serial monitor I'm using a linux machine, could this be the problem?

  10. i made it to work in the end :))
    the problem was that i didn't uploaded a blank sketch on the arduino board

  11. Hi I am new assembly language,i am working with arduino. I wanna fetch the data from co2 sensor. To do so, i need to write the following command which is written in assembly, could anyone help me to write the same code in arduino.
    send command 80h 02h 00h 7Eh to co2 sensor system until uplink response with type being 80h

  12. If you're getting the serial port output, the problem is with your C code.
    If there is no loop in your main(), that would explain why you do not see your LED blink. If you do have a loop, I'd suggest posting the full code to and maybe someone there will help you.

  13. Hi Ralph, a great bit of code for reducing program size - can it be used on other CPU's - 32u4, 328, etc?

    Thanks very much, Kev

    1. Hi Kev,
      Sorry for the slow response. I've used the code on a 328 (pro mini clone). If you only need one serial port it's best to use the hardware USART though.

  14. I am semi-successful using the bbuart code. I say "semi" because I get a lot of errors. I suspect timing issues. I am running a ATTiny85-20SU at @8MHz at 3.3V

    1. Just noticed your comment in the moderation queue. To avoid timing issues you could try either lowering the baud rate, or adjusting the OSCCAL register.

  15. I love OnePinSerial , it seems to work on most avr's i have tried albeit @ 8mhz. It inspired me to write my own library, previously being told attiny's won't work with rfm92/95/96/97/98 aka sx127x radios. So i wrote my own ISM_SPI library to get the size down, So with ISM_RADIO & OnePinSerial , i only use just under 3-4k for 8-16kb tinys & 7kb for atmega32u4, 4kb for 328P.

    I would really like to optimise my libraries with assembler is that something you offer as a service, if so please give me a dingle :)
